
“good life through principles and experience”

Joy is key for a good life through principles and experience.  It is always there to be found when you choose to look for it.  Maybe just by taking a step back and having a different perspective.  If you are joyful things come easy.  If you are easy-going it is therefore much more likely you will experience joy.  Joy is free and it’s inside you in unlimited quantities, hence when you are at ease, the joy comes naturally.

Choosing Joy is an option we often overlook and for that reason, it is important to shift your perception to see the possibilities for joy.  Then on the innermost level being at ease and peace is key to bringing your best to everything – unburdened of unnecessary tension or distraction.  JoyfulEasy is about making our world happier and more peaceful; a more enlivened and synergistic place.

Having fun watching the sunset

What JoyfulEasy means to Mike

Have you ever had a conversation and connection with someone, even a seemingly random stranger, that really woke you up? I met a man once who gave me a ride while hitch hiking in my younger years, with whom I had a very deep conversation. Who this man was I don’t really know, a sage of sorts I suppose.

He gave me a bit of advice. – “Wherever you are at in life ask yourself these questions: Why me? Why here? Why now? And allow the answers to come.”  Remembering that,  I’ve been asking myself those questions ever since, always having done my best to find and receive answers to these questions.

Achieving a good life through principles and experience is at the center of JoyfulEasy.  JoyfulEasy contains stories, tools, and insights that I use to continually grow in life and as a person.  Please check out some of the articles by clicking on posts in the menu. You will find additional resources through some of the books I have utilized and I appreciate any and all comments and points of discussion.

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