Family First

My constant re commitment to my family in the face of life’s choices is something that keeps me on track in such a positive way.  Always with gratitude, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think either.  I remind myself that the most important , fun , meaningful  thing I’m doing right now in my life is being a fun great caring dad to my kids and a fun, great, caring husband to my wife. My kids will only be with me at the ages they are at for a limited time .So the time is now to be with them. This re commitment to follow through on this endeavor on a daily basis has been a tremendous source of strength and clarity of purpose for me.

Being a dad is an honor and a privilege , my kids are literally role modeling me as their guide for how to be a good human and what that looks , sounds, feels and acts like. To me it’s a calling to be at your best behavior and continually strive to be a better person. I’ve learned a tremendous amount about myself and the influences of my parents and others on me by observing the effect of my influence on my kids.

Whether you have a family or not  the principle is this-  It’s not about you. It’s about continual growth and learning and service to a cause that’s greater than yourself. People and relationships are where it’s at!

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