Being Mindful – Drag Racing

During our weekend trip to Mission Raceway, drag weekend, some really cool things happened. Mostly to Dave and Jimmy (my brother and friend) but also, by association, me as well . It was a good news bad news situation where I was able to reflect about being mindful.

On the way to the ferry Jim’s motor home (towing his car trailer) alternator belt broke , they adapted and drove without lights behind Dave’s motor home until they got to the Ferry Line up, everyone stayed cool! It then looked as though I would be in the ferry line up ,on the ferry and they wouldn’t make it , initially this would lead my mind to be displeased with this likely outcome.  However, I remembered to be at peace with what is and by being mindful to accept whatever ended up happening. Next thing you know we all made it on the same boat… Perfect!

On the Ferry we assessed Jim’s belt Issue, turned out that one of my spare belts, that I grabbed at the last minute, would fit, and it worked… Nice!  At the track, it initially appeared that Dave’s lack of registering us for test and tune would mean that we would not be racing our cars until 5 pm, which would mean all of our efforts to be early etc would have been for nothing. All of us maintained a good attitude about this and remained, accepting of circumstances, and still happy to be there.

Then Dave, having chatted with the head guy from the track in pursuit of his NHRA license and requirements, was able to arrange so we could all test and tune! Sweet! Dave’s car ran awesome and his license passes went better than expected . Jim’s car as well as mine ran awesome as well.  Chiefy (aka Damien another friend) also ran better than ever on his CBR 600 so he was stoked as well.

Next Day turns out it rained us out, again everyone accepted the circumstances and carried on contently – Hey everyone ‘s car is still good! (no catastrophic engine failures etc) Nice! No one’s car goes home on a hook.

All in all a very good trip!

Principles Illustrated…

This is a great reason to be present and friendly with the moment and to encourage others to be this way as well.

  • I also want mention how the other racers at the track that we encountered were very cool , helpful and able to roll with the situation.  A guy with a 5.0 liter (Pat was his name) helped us when Dave had a carburetor fire in front of the of the staging lanes.
    • By Being friendly with whatever form the moment takes all of us together had a great trip in spite of many turns of events that may have dictated otherwise ,but it would have been much different had any of us reacted poorly.
    • Thank you divine oneness for the presence in all of us coming forward predominantly, and the events unfolding in such a favorable way.
    • The cool thing is that no matter what happens if you and the people you are with are accepting and or enthusiastic and participating, and helping; it doesn’t really matter what happens. None of us had previously discussed this mindset it just worked out. This weekend really illustrated well the benefit of presence and a good attitude and how when the people you are around, are like this as well ,it makes for great experiences.
    • This is a great reason to be present and friendly with the moment and to encourage others to be this way as well.
    • I also want mention how the other racers at the track that we encountered were very cool , helpful and able to roll with the situation.  A guy with a 5.0 liter (Pat was his name) helped us when Dave had a carburetor fire in front of the of the staging lanes.


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