Are You Content or Discontent

To be Content or to be discontent is a feeling you choose. Like nothing to fear but fear itself.  Nothing to be discontent about but discontent itself.

That’s my daughter Merissa pictured above running out of gas at the end of a night in Disneyland. She was about 5 in this picture.  Those pictures were all taken within about 15 minutes. Clearly she was having trouble with her state of being, but hey, she was a tired out 5 year old. Hopefully we can do better.

Have You Ever Found Yourself Plagued by Discontent?

Lately, I’ve been plagued by thoughts of – “I should be this or I should be doing that”. To elaborate, I’ve been feeling like I should be doing something different and or somehow better than what I happen to be doing at the moment of that feeling. For example, If I’m on the tools at work I’ll feel like I should be doing something of higher value. Or, if I’m cleaning up my house, I feel like there is something more important I should be doing.

Although, it is true that as I become wealthy enough to hire people to replace me in certain roles I fill, that it makes sense to do so. I am far better off being content, in the moment, doing what needs to be done. If I want change, I only need to picture what I want and keep that picture clearly in my mind and keep choosing it repeatedly. Keeping that picture clear and believing it is possible, having faith, is key. In this way, trusting that picture will manifest.

Mike bike dock feet contented

Hocus Pocus?

This may sound like magical hocus pocus bullshit, however there is science behind this practice.  Our brains come complete with a RAS- reticular activation system. This system in the brain filters all the input we are receiving from our senses and focuses in on those that are in alignment with what is pictured in our mind’s eye.  As an example, you get hungry your mind pictures a sandwich, you go to the fridge and gather the things you need to make that sandwich happen. I like to use the RAS of my kids to by using the fun boat story technique.

The point is by picturing with faith and conviction what it is you are wanting to make happen and doing that consistently over time you can make it happen. However, your state of being, mood and attitude, must be in alignment with receiving the info and resources to make it happen. Thus, discontent is your enemy, and contentedness is your friend. It’s your choice discontent or content.

Power of Paradox

Paradox as I understand it is when two truths are in alignment and yet simultaneously opposed.  Applied here, discontent drives us towards change which can motivate us to act, which is good.  However, being discontent can upset us, which leads to negative self-talk, which leads to negative pictures, and that’s bad. Thus, attracting more of what made us discontent in the first place.  Conversely, now that you know this, you can hijack the process in the middle! Moreover, you can be content in knowing that everything that is happening is serving you.

Life and outer circumstance is happening for you if you are willing to pay attention and tune in. A content state of being is helpful for seeing and receiving the gifts life is offering.

Know the Process

Our outer circumstances are a bi-product of the thoughts pictures and feelings we’ve been holding from the years, months and moments past.  Therefore, picture what you want, then choose to do what you must do in the moment with joy and enthusiasm or at least be content. You can be joyful doing the dishes, you can be enthusiastic pulling wrenches or at least content doing your least favourite duty. You can master your state of being, despite your outer circumstances, because you trust in what you are picturing and feeling. As such, you are in the creative process.

Discontent or content are both feelings that serve us, we just need to pay attention. Then, hijack the process. In your minds eye, you can actually stamp ‘CANCEL’  across the negative pictures and limiting thoughts and beliefs that arise. Furthermore, you can create the new pictures thoughts and beliefs you want and get stoked about them. Then affirm and picture, your new picture, with joy and ease and enthusiasm. Be content that you now know the process.

Life Is Not A Competition

Watch out for the competitive plane, dwell instead in the creative plane. Be inspired by those who are doing well. Furthermore, comparing ourselves to others often brings feelings of discontent. As such, your focus should be on being a slightly better version of yourself today than you were yesterday. Work on the things each day in your circle of influence that you can effect. Conversly, waste no time concerning over things outside your circle of influence that you can not effect.

By being content about what is presently going on you empower yourself to create something new. As well, use that initial feeling of discontent as a motivation to picture something new, then be content in knowing you are moving toward it. In conclusion, being content or discontent are feelings that we can use as a guide to further master and harness the simple power of our state of being.

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