Doing What Matters Most

A friend and indoor gardener I know told me this rhyme about doing things that matter most, and it makes sense. “Lazy Ways aren’t Payzee Ways!” I learned a lot about gardening from my friend, as well as other insights. He told me, “To continually yield an abundant successful crop there are many functions that need to be performed on a regular basis.” My friend called this “doing the maintenance”. In a Garden “Doing the maintenance” is like doing the things that matter most.

Making Your Garden Abundant and Successful

First of allDoing Things That Matter Most you need to identify things that matter most.   You need to water and nourish your garden. Further more if you get lazy your plants wither and die. Secondly you need to monitor temperature and humidity. Laziness in this area causes your plants to get elongated, diseased and moldy.  As well you need to monitor and treat for harmful insects. If you get lazy your plants get infested with bugs. You need to fertilize and maintain correct Ph. Consequently if you get lazy your plants get malnourished.  These and any other number of unfavorable conditions (caused by laziness) can lead to crop failure or poor yields. In other words “You aren’t getting paid”

Second, you need to do be doing things that matter most, consistently. Do the things that matter most, consistently, until they become a good habit.Use the power of habit to your advantage by adopting and practicing good habits. In contrast be aware of and guard against laziness and the formation of bad habits (like forgetting to do the maintenance).

Third you need to stay alert and aware of changes in the plants and the environment. Maintain awareness of what is happening in the garden.  This allows you to be dynamic and make changes and adjustments quickly. Creating a garden that is abundant and successful.

Focus Your Efforts

Garden of LifeOur lives and circumstances are like a garden. Hence If you want your life to be abundant and successful treat it like a garden. Define abundant and successful for yourself. Learn and identify things that matter most.  Do the things that matter most consistently until they become habit.Stay alert, be aware, adapt quickly to changes in your environment and circumstances. If you think a few steps ahead it makes it far easier to deal with changes before they become a potential problem.

Therefore do the things in your garden of life that require maintenance. Take care of yourself. Be sure to get some exercise and do your best to eat rite. Keep your stress level low by catching your self before you make a big deal over small things. Get the rite amount of sleep, eight hours is good if you can get it. Nurture your important relationships with time spent in meaningful ways. Do your best at work and enjoy what you do. Keep your Finances in order. Figure out what makes your spirit soar (hike, surf, meditate, martial arts ??)what ever that is for you. These are just some examples, to give you the idea of doing the things that matter most.

You will reap as you sow in this garden of life. You will get out what you put in. If you sow the seeds and do the work, you will reap the rewards. It’s Joyful Easy not Joyful Lazy! The best rewards, things that matter most, often aren’t money.


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