Why JoyfulEasy?

Why JoyfulEasy?


How Joy makes Life Easy with experiencing more moments of Joy more often through out our days and life. To come at life internally from a place of ease and contentment with what is, so as to be at our most effective state. To share principles and experiences that encourage and perpetuate this way of being.


To be unconditionally Joyful is to be imbued with a passion for the aliveness inside us, happy for no reason in particular and gratefully content resonating with what is truly meaningful to ourselves.


To be in a state of inner ease, proficient and masterful despite what is happening on the outside. This Ease frees up our cognitive resources, allowing us to function at our best, free from pain or anxiety.

Relaxing sunset

Be Joyful

  •  Know Yourself – (Health) You are a human animal and you are your own prize pony, if you know yourself. How do you treat yourself? How do you raise and nurture that pony to be the best it (you ) can be? Your body is your interface to the world.
  • Family (relationships) & that your primary (Inner) relationship is with yourself , start there – nurture love yourself then take your best to your Family. Family first (outer ), your people are where it’s at. Relationships (interdependence) and relating to others is key.
  • Be Confident and know your own truth.  Explore what that means and what that is. Living your truth from a principle centre and coming at and into life from a solid inner foundation.

Easy Life

  • Honest & Real, expectations and choices. Are your goals and whatever it is you are presently doing moment to moment day to day in alignment with your mission statement, values ,vision and culture ( that which is most important to you)?  Being in alignment and one with what is unfolding and learning how to see how it serves you.  (Even if at first it seems bad)
  • Life Work Balance, wealth and abundance – Taking stock of what you already have – how to add to it without taking away that which is most important. How to take what you have in terms of time, relationships, and resources and leverage them, using it to create more experiences and circumstances you are wanting.
  • Family Team. How to keep everyone pulling in same direction. Having a Family mission statement-  How to teach your kids to behave in  a way that is in alignment with what they truly want .( everyone working together, to create situations and feelings of accomplishment, fun and laughs versus anger, frustration and sadness).

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