Being On Mushrooms

The experience of being on mushrooms (the magic kind) was one of those experiences I had when I was in my early 20s. I remember a time when we went to a place called Burnt Bridge to go camping. Back in the day, Burnt Bridge was one of those places where people could camp, have big bonfires, and you could ride your dirt bike and generally carry-on, In a haywire fashion. As such, It was generally out in the boonies and a fairly chill place.

Do You Open Yourself Up To New Experiences?

Sonic Night Original

I remember one such time when we decided to take my brothers old green van and our dirt bikes to go camping and have a bonfire. We also thought it would be a pretty neat idea to have the experience of being on mushrooms. These were of the magic variety. One of the things I remember most about my experiences doing mushrooms was how it seemed to take down the veil between your conscious thought and other energies that are out there. In this way, the filters that constrain perception seem to open up. I always notice this most predominately in nature.

As the experience of being on mushrooms started to take effect, you could literally begin to feel the energy of the trees and the ground and the stars above you. When in nature this is generally a good and connected feeling. Additionally, other parts of the experience of being on mushrooms were an untapped amount of energy as well as enhancing my imagination and how I experienced what was going on around me.

Conversely, the experience of being on mushrooms in a city environment or in the close confines of a party at a house often lets other energies, from people and their vibes, affect you. Sometimes these were more likely to be negative vibes.

Change Your Trip

One of the things my older brother taught me about, early on in my days experimenting with mushrooms and drinking etc. was to notice if you’re having a bad trip and simply change what you’re thinking about, then picture something else to put yourself on a good trip. Similarly, I use that same line of thinking these days.  As such, I can usually change my state of being by changing what I’m picturing or thinking about. With the result of putting myself in the right state of being (right mood), in normal everyday life.

Jumping The Van

Some of the crazy shit we used to do! I often wonder how we survived.  On one occasion, at Burnt Bridge, we decided to put an old coach in the back of the van and fill it with our buddies and take it over the jumps that we used to do on our dirt bikes.  Of course, I can’t advise anyone to do this sort of stuff as it is super dangerous. However, it sure was fun, but I do count myself very lucky to have gotten through those days mostly unscathed.

It’s All About Experiences

Thinking back, I asked myself why we did that stuff.  Why did I want the experience of being on mushrooms or jumping a van?  Additionally, why did we risk our safety for those experiences?  It occurs to me, that we did it because we were seeking out new exciting experiences together. We were testing the edges of danger and doing things that were fun to us.   Moreover, we did it because it was super enlivening.  It lit up our senses and blew our hair back. For this reason, I now realize how important it is to value experiences over things.  I‘m a lot more careful now though.

The Magic Mushroom Experience

Majic Mushrooms

The experience of being on mushrooms felt natural in the way they came on. To begin with, feeling this kind of crept in slowly. Then you would suddenly notice yourself seeing things differently. I might just notice something out of the corner of my eye, like a rabbit moving off in the distance or a cloud floating by.  An enhanced sense of creativity, something I wouldn’t normally have noticed. Additionally, colours would occur more vivid and your imagination would light things up in a way you wouldn’t normally experience. In the same way, I would notice and enhance proclivity to laughter.  As well I always seemed to have an excellent sleep afterward. Furthermore, I noticed a deeper connection with those around me and the way that we related to one another.

Although I’m describing a lot of these effects as positive, there were negative effects as well. Such as, like I mentioned earlier, if you were around negative energies, they would affect you as well. Only in a negative fashion. Similarly, if you were with someone that was having a bad trip, then their bad trip could be spread onto you if you weren’t aware.  Additionally, in the morning as with any drug that causes a high, I usually felt somewhat muddleheaded as well. Furthermore, if you took to big of a dose it could well turn into a ride you wanted to get off but were stuck on for 8 hrs or so. Fortunately, I haven’t had that experience. For the record, I haven’t had the experience of being on mushrooms (the magic kind) for well over 20 years now.

Just the Good Parts Please

So, what if you could have just the good parts of the mushroom experience? Enter medicinal and wild foraged edible mushrooms. For example, what if you could just have that good deep sleep?  As well, what if you could just tie into that amazing creativity? At the same time as more untapped energy that you didn’t know you had.  Stay tuned as I will get back to this a little later in the article.


It’s amazing the connections that happen in life you just open to them. To Illustrate, here’s a quick story about what happened this weekend. My wife and I had to run a few errands in order to prepare for a dinner we were having with friends at our house on Saturday night. This trip should’ve taken one stop at the grocery store.  At any rate, we weren’t quite as organized as we had hoped and had to make three stops at three different grocery stores.  As a result, my wife was getting a little irritated with our lack of efficiency. Despite this, I reminded her, that whatever is happening is supposed to be happening.  We should just go with the flow paying close attention to how everything is serving us.

Picking Morel Mushrooms

Shortly after arriving at the last grocery store, I ran into some customers I had been working for (in my electrical business) earlier that week.  Their names were Julian and Thomas. They are here from Australia. I mentioned to them that we should hang out sometime and I could show them some of the cool stuff that is in our area.

As it turns out, Julian and Thomas are in the mushroom business. They produce and extract specific compounds, from a variety of mushroom species. Recently, we have been doing some electrical work for them in a mushroom producing facility they’re installing at another customer of mine’s
place who happens to be Dave Asprey.  Dave is well known as the father of biohacking and the creator of Bullet Proof Coffee.  Coincidently my friend and neighbour, Rex Garcia, is also in the mushroom business. Rex is more into the wild foraging and harvesting of exotic species of edible gourmet, and medicinal specialty mushrooms. Furthermore, Rex has close to 20 years of hands-on experience in the mushroom industry, as a forager, producer, and a distributor
of wild edible mushrooms.

Synchronistic Events

I Like the way things unfold when you’re just going with the flow. Our multi-store grocery run, as an example. So later, Rex was over for dinner and he mentions to me that he ran into these two guys that are in the mushroom business. I had been telling Rex about Julian and Thomas, and their company Life Cykel, just the day before.  So, when he heard them talking about mushrooms at the grocery store, his ears perked up, and he asked them about what they did.  Rex put the connection together right away and mentioned that he knew me. As a result, Rex went with them to where they were staying to check out some of the products they have been working on.

After Rex told me about meeting with Thomas and Julian, it occurred to me to invite them over to hang out that night.  As a result, they did come over and we all had great conversations as well as making some good connections.

Exciting Times In Mushroom Tech

The work that Thomas and Julian are doing with their company Life Cykel, is indeed quite exciting. In short, they are extracting specific benefits from specific mushrooms (not the magic kind) to give specific results and effects. As a result, they’re able to make extractions that offer many benefits and upgrades to our body’s health.  Such as, improved REM sleep, flow state focus and creativity enhancement, as well improved energy, just to name a few. Check out their podcast with Dave Asprey here.

Going For A Pick

During our hang out, Rex invited Julian Thomas and me to go for a Morel mushroom pick.  Julian and Thomas are working towards ever expanding their repertoire of species and what healing properties and other effects they can derive from them.  Considering this, the connection with Rex is a great turn of events for them all. As a result, I hope they will be able to further their work and create more benefits for everyone from their work in this field. In the meantime, I look forward to our wild foraging experience with Rex in a few weeks.

Connected Conclusions

Seeking adventure and new experiences is most worthwhile. However, blowing your hair back type experiences are inherently risky. Remember the interconnection of all things. As such, stay open to what is happening. Participate with Presence, feeling, and kindness towards yourself and others, resulting in less bad vibes. As a result, this allows more abundance and beneficial life experiences to happen for you as you are open to it. In addition to this know that you can change your trip and your state of being (even if you aren’t high) by changing what you are picturing. Choose experience over things and seek true joy. Also, as Mr. Mackey from South Park would say- Don’t do drugs, drugs are bad mmkay. However, cool new natural medicine is good.

P.S. Those are wild morel mushrooms in the bags.

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