Jumping Through Hoops

Let’s Play a Game!

Have You ever felt like you were sick and tired of all the processes involved in getting things done?  All the steps required, forms to fill out, problems to solve, people to deal with in order to complete your mission, whatever it may be. Have you ever felt like you were just jumping through hoops?

Jumping Through HoopsHow Am I going to get through all this crap?

I remember when I was a kid in junior high and high school and doing the work and learning the material that we were learning. I remember asking myself, “what am I ever going to use this for in the real world”? Especially when it came to things like history or Pythagoras’s theorem or advanced algebra. It felt like I was just jumping through hoops. I needed to pass this class or this grade so that I could get to the next class or grade. I needed to pass that grade so that I could get to graduate and then I need to graduate so that I could go to college, and then go to college so I can start a career etc. It always felt like I was just jumping through hoops without any good reason.

How do I make this not suck?

Potato Sack Jumping RaceNow that I’m older, I realize that learning those things was more about teaching myself how to learn. It was about a workout from my brain and how to get good at learning. We forge ourselves into better people through the challenges we endeavour. So, the question arises. How do I make this not suck? How do I make this fun and cool? Answer – Let’s Play a game “Jumping Through Hoops”. Reframe the challenges as a game.

It’s all about your attitude and how you approach the game. Ask yourself. “How can I make this fun?” Therefore, being willing to play the game I call “jumping through hoops” is key.  I’ve noticed as an adult even if you want to buy a house, for example, you will find yourself jumping through hoops. You need to do banking papers, insurance papers, real estate papers as well as several other documents. If you want to get it done though you must play the game jumping through hoops.  Along with that, create ways to make it fun. The same thing goes with almost anything else I’ve learned, from raising kids to running a company to learning how to jump my dirt bike it’s all a series of steps or hoops you go through. Without a doubt having a context and attitude of fun and game makes any task more easy and enjoyable. Not to mention we are at a much higher state of being and more resourceful when we are having fun as opposed to being stressed out or pissed off.

Have the Perception of Fun and Game

Seeing life as a fun game that you always want to play is a good way to shift your perception when approaching things that at first seem difficult. Furthermore, as I watch my kids playing board games, for example, I can’t help noticing how eager they are to play. Even when they don’t know how.  It’s because of their perception that learning the rules of and playing the board game is fun. Indeed, playing the game and Jumping through hoops is also an opportunity to challenge ourselves and engage with others. Always doing our best to have the presence to reframe the game as fun.

So, in conclusion, think of jumping through hoops like a big game of life jumping through hoop after hoop and just enjoy it because it’s fun if you make it that way.  My kids are very good at having fun. Even so, I share this with my kids to help them stay motivated while they’re jumping through the hoops of grade school and dance and other activities that are challenging them at times. As such, I encourage a mindful remembering of the concept. Let’s Play A Game! Jumping Through Hoops.

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