My Secret of ‘The Secret’

You may have heard of ‘The Secret’ –  it is The Law of Attraction -what you think about and thank about; you bring about.  That is the images, thoughts, and feelings you are having and holding, have a way of attracting more of the same. Things and situations that are in alignment with those thoughts, mental images, and feelings you are holding.  I have noticed, as I am sure many of you have, that when making goals and trying to use “The Secret “ you sometimes get bummed out when outer circumstances aren’t turning out like you thought they should.
 So here is my Secret to the Secret.

Choose your outer goals and move towards them. However remember to keep first thing first. Your inner purpose! Your state of being and that aspect of  yourself (your true authentic presence) that notices what state you are in.

Outer goals are fine and good, however they are only window dressing, temporary and illusory. Don’t let your progress or lack thereof towards them rock your boat and send your state of being overboard! This is very often easier said than done. Find ways to reset yourself to that state of being when you do get rattled. Try a quick hike, Deep breathing techniques, or a quick work out; whatever works for you.  The cool thing is when you are in your flow state or Zen state of being, that is you at your best and most capable of moving towards your goals.

It’s a matter of letting go of the significance of outer circumstances and trusting that things are all working out. Remember to accept and tune in to the events of the moment , what is presenting itself, and how it is serving you.

Recommended ReadingJoyfulEasy Recommended Reading…

The Secret

The Secret Gratitude Book

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous April 28, 2019

    Pretty cool

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