Point of View – What’s Yours?

“Point of view” has two very different implications depending on what word you stress. Do you focus on the IS or the YOUR? More often than not we focus in on the YOUR .So if someone ask’s me,

“what is your point of view?”

I say Hmmm, My point of view is  ______ blah blah blah. That little word ME gets in there. The little ME that needs to defend and identify with that point of view. This tends to close us down to seeing things from many and other new perspectives.  If you stress the word is it becomes a whole different question. It’s like asking , “what is this thing called point of view?” Where does it come from? How did I arrive at it? Why do I see it that way? To me it gives rise to the awareness that is capable of seeing things from a vastly broader viewpoint. It allows you to see your own bias and look again from a  fresher perspective.

Letting go of good/ bad judgments  about what we see, hear ,and feel, and just seeing things for what they are, gives us that extra bit of space we need to mindfully choose our response to any situation. This is the only thing we have  an option of true control over, if we exercise it. With a little practice hopefully we can produce truly better out comes.

Recommended ReadingJoyfulEasy Recommended Reading…

How to See Yourself As You Really Are


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