The Golden Rule Plus

What is the Golden Rule Plus? Is it like supersizing your big gulp? Well no, It doesn’t have the instant gratification of way too much sickeningly sweet sugar water.  However, if you are interested in long term sustainable improvement in the quality of your life, you might want to give it some consideration. So what is the golden rule plus? Here you go, I present it here absolutely free of charge for your consideration.

So, not to get all churchy but, from the Bible, The Golden Rule goes like this-

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Now for the Plus…

Do uLove Yourselfnto yourself as you would have others do unto you,

(Try to keep your mind out of the gutter for just a sec,…) For example- I would like others to: Be Kind to me, love me, respect me, think I’m totally hot and cool  ( hey why not right? ), include me, value my opinion, laugh at my jokes, enjoy my company, have fun with me, be patient with me when I falter, cut me some slack, encourage me, expect my best from me, trust me, believe in me, overlook my shortcomings and encourage my growth. Just to name a few.  As opposed to berating, Judging, condemning and criticizing me harshly. Either verbally or non verbally via body language, gestures etc. Believe me, in the past I have been very unkind to myself internally as I’m sure you have been to yourself. We tend to judge ourselves harshly when we fail. With this in mind, why not practice the plus – Do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you? Thus, Love Yourself!


Therefore I encourage that we start with mindfulness of our internal dialogue.  To begin with, just cultivate the presence that notices when you are critical of yourself. Here is a list of negative thoughts or inner judgments to cue your awareness: “You idiot”,  “why do I bother I can’t do that”.” Why would anyone listen to me”?” I’m too fat”.” I’m too skinny”.” I’m not smart enough”. “I’m not fast enough”.” I’m not fun”.Being mindful of your internal dialogue lets you put space around it. Consequently, this space allows us a moment to choose again, or simply cancel the thought. You then can insert a supportive inner comment in its place.

I have another practice you may find useful. Although this may feel awkward at first go, give it a try, as it works for me.  When you wake up in the morning and before bed at night and or whenever you have the opportunity to.  Look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, “ I love and accept myself just the way and who I am right now”. (without looking like a weirdo) oops, there’s that inner judgement again.  Dang! this is hard.

Laugh Out Loud

Do Laugh at yourself. Have fun with this process. Laugh Out LoudI encourage you to figure out how you would like others to treat you – write it down!     Now be aware of your inner dialogue, how you speak to yourself, and now treat yourself like you would have others treat you! You will find by doing this process that others will start to treat you this way because that is what you are projecting. Harness the law of attraction. As a result, you will attract more positive situations, and responses from others because that is the feeling you are holding about yourself.  When you think about it makes sense. Why would people treat you any differently than you treat yourself?

If you don’t think you are worthy who will? All that being the case, remember and practice the golden rule plus. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you plus do unto yourself as you would have others do unto you.

Peace- Mike

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  1. Laurie May 31, 2019

    This is a really good one, Mike!

    • Mike May 31, 2019 — Post author

      Hi Laur, I’m glad you liked it.
      Thanks for the feedback.

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