Those Damn Deer

Deer Garden Antlers

They got in my garden. Again!

“I’d Just Lose It if I catch those deer in the garden again ” Those damn deer are one of my bugaboos. Yes, it sucks when the deer wreck my garden. However, the good news is I’m not that serious of a gardener. So I like to look at it as an opportunity to work on my presence and capacity for acceptance. Therefore I can put a positive spin on the situation as it truly isn’t that big of a deal. It’s like a practice prod to my ego.

Thinking bad Thoughts

Have you ever caught yourself thinking: If I get to work and buddy hasn’t done his job right then I’m going to be so mad! Or – if one more slip up happens I’ll be so devastated! Or -If someone messes with my wife then I’d punch them out, or any number of other vengeful or hurt for hurt scenarios? I know I have. I have also observed a whole lot of unnecessary internal angst, bad vibes and stress that go along with it. Presupposing yourself feeling or acting negatively in any presently nonexistent, but possible future situation is not productive or effective. Consequently, I have been working on cultivating my presence and capacity for acceptance.

However, these negative thoughts are a source of great learning. If you are aware enough to catch them before they hijack your train of thought, spin up your emotions and get you all wound up. They show us the chinks in our armour where the tiger of life (our lesser selves ) would insert its fierce claws and cause suffering. They indicate or show us our mind perceived lesser self along with all its Bias, vulnerabilities, triggers etc.

Forgiveness and understanding

Know this- You have within you a capacity to be infinitely understanding, forgiving and Non-judging. Is this always easy? Hell No. Can this presence and capacity for acceptance be cultivated? Hell Yes! Stop for a moment. You can take a deep breath. Now imagine one of those same situations and you handle it with the composure of a Zen Buddhist monk. You let the stress roll off you like water off a duck’s back. Take some time daily to do this inner work of visualizing and imagining yourself with these qualities of mastery and inner ease. As a result, you will find this work really pays off.

This presence and capacity for acceptance will allow space for your best self to come forward. The thoughts that come out of fears of “what ifs” become neutralized, Trust Returns, as does the fearlessness of the future. Trust yourself to take what comes, embrace it and move with it, subtly choosing the vision of what you want to create.


All that being said if someone messes with my wife and I run into the guy I’m likely gonna punch him in the face, hard! However, I do see myself doing that with the composure of a Zen Buddhist monk! I guess that is still one of my bugaboos ; )

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