Understanding and Forgiveness

Conflict ResolutionImagine yourself in situation at work or home where you are working on something with someone who is being a ‘Dick’.  Usually, in these situations, it is pretty normal to have a limited amount of patience and tolerance for this type of behavior. Simply the opposite of Understanding and Forgiveness.  Hopefully the person chills out on their own, however, when they don’t or if they keep being a ‘Dick’ it tends to create tension and negative energy.  This creates negative internal dialogue within ourselves about them.  This only leads to more tension and more negative energy inside ourselves and potentially antagonizes the situation.

Sooo…what do ya do? – Cut them some slack!

Picture a rope between you and them and it is tight with tension. Now imagine you both standing in the same place but now splice in a loop of slack. It actually takes the tension off of YOU. True understanding and forgiveness is key, not sympathizing, but having empathy.  Simply we are seeing things from another point of view.

Understanding others isn’t so much about them as it is about us. Maintain your cool and have presence  enough to see past the behavior as the reason for it. Very possibly you are not the reason for them directing their anger towards you.  Maybe their dog died yesterday, maybe they just couldn’t get it UP last night and there partner is aggravated, perhaps other experiences, like abusive parents or a similar challenging situation… Who knows???

That is, until you care enough to ask someone how they are doing it is difficult to have understanding and forgiveness.  This will allow you to see things from another perspective. Hopefully having forgiveness and peace and simply allowing and helping the other person to dissipate their own negative vibe, without projecting it on you.


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