Why is Money so Important?

Why do we want money?  Why is money so important? What did we originally want it for? How did we gradually get tricked into wanting it for the wrong reasons?

When we were kids we wanted money to buy things to have more fun;  bikes, toys, games, etc.  Then as we got a bit older it was for a bigger bike and maybe a little bit better toys, or perhaps to go on a trip.  Saving up to buy Christmas or birthday presents.  It was largely about making it so we could have more fun with people, with friends, and with Family. Eventually however money became about getting stuff to make it look like we were having more fun and exhibiting status. Motivated by the social scene, fancy clothes, fancy cars , and “pea cocking” for the opposite sex, etc.

Now as adults we think we need bigger houses , fancier cars, and more stuff to keep up appearances for people we hardly know or connect with meaningfully.  You can go around and see people with their fancy cars, cloths, and expensive lifestyle, but never talk and connect with them. It is such an obvious sign that we are getting off track and succumb to Consumerism.

Money Doesn’t Equal Happiness

I remember when I was in my twenties, I used go out to the clubs at night  to socialize. We were doing the whole blow through lots of money, going for dinner, buying lots of drinks routine. In those days we weren’t exactly rich though.  Waking up with a wicked hangover and an empty wallet – those nights hurt bad. Ironically it didn’t really seem to make the night much more fun.

Eventually we came around to the idea of making a game of how much fun we could have on how little money we would spend. I remember times having a way better night meeting way more girls and feeling way better in the morning; on 20 bucks! I think not consuming excessive amounts of unhealthy food and alcohol really helped (weird rite).  I remember thinking to myself that was awesome, what a night and on 20 bucks! Some of the funnest nights and best adventures were, more often than not, had on less money.

A Change in Approach

Don’t get me wrong, as much as I know money can’t buy happiness, I also know it sure as hell helps sometimes.  I put forward that after our basic needs are reasonably met, that we ought to re think our motives and pursuits and ask ourselves – is this a materialistic? A superficial pursuit? Maybe we ought to reconnect with the original reason we wanted money as kids. Using money to get things and set up situations.  With the goal to have more fun and enlivened experiences. Connecting with ourselves and our passions as well as with others, maybe even helping others. It’s more fun , often costs a lot less, and has less environmental impact! To me that’s a win ,win ,win!

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