Your Bloom Type

Your bloom type affects your life powerfully in many ways. With me, it certainly did. Hence, I feel it’s worth thinking about. The info in this article is something I wish I knew when I was growing up. As such, it would have given me greater confidence and peace of mind.

So, What the Heck is Your Bloom Type?

Your Bloom type is a metaphor for your natural timing, as well as your true self, and your characteristics.  It’s my take on being either an early or late bloomer.  As such it manifests as what age and how strongly you felt the urge to be with a member of the opposite sex (or same sex if you swing that way). It’s also about how and when you choose to act on it or not.  Additionally, it has to do with how fast you matured and developed in other ways.  As well as, your strengths and weaknesses.  Of course, I’ve learned the most from my own experiences.  However, in addition, I reflect on the experiences I’ve noticed happening to others who have shared their experiences with me as well.  Namely, friends, family and co workers.

 Are You A Late Bloomer or An Early Bloomer?

Mandy's Lily's

When it came to girls and relationships, I was a late bloomer.  I’ve noted others aren’t comfortable unless they are in a relationship. I was quite comfortable and happy on my own or just hanging out with my friends. As a result, I didn’t spend much time seeking out meaningful relationships until I was in my late 20’s.

I remember often feeling like I should be more like those guys that were always in a relationship with a girl all the time. Often, I was quite critical of myself.  The truth is, I just wasn’t ready for that until my Bloom type – My own natural timing – was ready.  As a result, I’ve realized how important it is to honor your bloom type, your rhythm and your timing.

Be True to Your Bloom Type

I was interested in girls, don’t get me wrong, I just wasn’t focussed on them all the time at an earlier age. Being a gear head, I was into cars and dirt bikes and fixing and making things.  As such, when I did pursue girls, I often chased after the wrong kind of girls.  Likely because I hadn’t put much thought into it.  Furthermore, the experiences I had with those girls, were less than authentic and genuine.  In this way, I wasn’t being true to myself.  In truth, I suppose I was experimenting as I figured it out.   It was only when I was true to myself and true to my feelings that I ended up meeting a girl worth being with.  A girl who I could really connect with. That girl I’m happy to say is my amazing wife Sarinthy.

Don’t Chase Your Pecker Boys!

Mike Kid Car

This goes along with honoring who you really are and figuring out your bloom type. I wasn’t one of those guys who needed a girlfriend all the time because I didn’t really feel all that horny and compelled to until I got a bit older.  Now that I‘m older, I’ve seen the results of too much sex drive in certain characters.  As an illustration, some people I know chase their pecker around too much and it has caused problems in their lives.  Namely, a lot of grief in the form of divorce, heartache and extra payments. (Ughh)

Being true to yourself and seeking meaning through that truth brings you a lot of truer joy in what you experience.  This is because you’re just being real and not faking it.  I’ve learned to trust my feelings, my gut feelings, as opposed to trying to do what other people are doing.  In other words, I’ve learned to catch myself before doing things in order to impress, please or make an impression on others.  However, it took me a while, and I do still screw up from time to time.

Rhythm and Timing of Your Story

Whether its by the second, minute, day, or year, your bloom type is also about honoring your own timing and rhythm.  As such I’ve learned to trust in the process that is unfolding.  Additionally, it’s about being ok with your story up until this point.  Of course, you will have wins and losses, joys and sorrows. There are things you will learn and understand quickly; others may take more time or experiences.  That is ok, be confident in your bloom type. You might as well be, it’s your true authentic self.

To Illustrate, as a martial artist training with my sensei Steve Ducket I would learn some things quickly and others not so fast.  In fact, I remember conversations, over a beer, after our training where Steve would comment on how sometimes I’d pick up on certain principles and techniques quickly and easily.  Whereas, others I’d struggle with for an entire class.  Interestingly, my martial training is where I was first introduced to rhythm and timing. In the same way, I now apply these concepts on a broader scale.

Root Your Bloom

Mike T flowers

Now, even with being married in a family it’s the same. I must be true to my feelings with my kids. Also, I must be true to my feelings with my wife.  You need to be willing to have those tough conversations in order to keep it real.  If you fake it, your building on a week foundation.  You might keep the peace for a while by pacifying others, but it will come back to haunt you if you aren’t being true to your bloom type.  Furthermore, you need to be rooted in who you truly are and live that truth.

I remember in my younger years feeling like I had to impress girls and pursue them. Conversely, when you are totally ok with yourself and confident, it helps you maintain a paradigm that projects that you are worth pursuing. Furthermore, they should be trying to impress me. Ironically, I just got that figured out, then bam, I met my wife.

Blooming Conclusions

Honor your feelings, what you’re truly feeling, and honor that before what impression you’re making or what you think other people think of you.  Be ok with yourself if you are an early bloomer. Conversely, be ok with being a late bloomer.  Know your strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly. Be kind to yourself, enjoy the story that your living. Know your bloom type and write your story to fit your style.  Be confident in and love yourself the way and who you are.

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